Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya. Coconut jam (Filipino: matamís sa báo, matamís na báo; Indonesian: seri kaya, srikaya; Malaysian: kaya, Vietnamese: ca dé) is a jam made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar. Remember, our mission is to make a srikaya and not sweet scrambled eggs. 'Kaya' is a sweet coconut jam which is very popular in Southeast Asia especially Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and even Indonesia. Also known as 'Srikaya', it is often eaten with toast or added to baked products such as bread and pastries.

Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya Attribute: Dairy Free, GMO Free, No Corn Syrup Allergen. The recipe is for both palm sugar kaya jam or pandan flavored kaya jam. Homemade creamy coconut egg jam (srikaya). You can cook Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya

  1. Prepare 5 btr of telur.
  2. You need 250 ml of santan kental.
  3. Prepare 250 gr of gula pasir.
  4. Prepare 3 lbr of daun pandan.

Coconut Jam Kayalista make with distinctive full taste. Kaya, Serikaya or Srikaya is a food spread, a fruit curd made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar. It is wildly popular in Southeast Asia, mainly in Palembang city in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Also called kaya or srikaya, coconut jam is a type of coconut-flavored spread popular in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.

Coconut Jam a.k.a Srikaya step by step

  1. Kocok telur asal merata saja, tambahkan gula dan santan.
  2. Masak semua bahan di panci, tambahkan daun pandan. Aduk terus sampai mendidih (pakai api kecil).
  3. Setelah mendidih, saring adonan srikaya sampai halus dan tidak mengumpal.
  4. Masak kembali srikaya dengan teknik steam atau hot water bath (tempatkan baskom air panas). Tahap ini sangat penting, aduk secara perlahan dan pastikan bagian bawah tidak gosong. Pakai api kecil saja..
  5. Setelah mengental, matikan api dan biarkan dingin sebelum disimpan di wadah. Lebih bagus di dalam toples kaca dan inapkan di kulkas semalam..
  6. Sajikan bersama roti, mantou dan olahan lainnya. Enjoy it. ^_^.

Traditionally served on buttered or plain toast, coconut jam may also be used as filling for pastries or on rice. Though it can be found commercially. Cristina's coconut jam gets its beautiful yellow color from the orange-hued yolk of cage-free eggs. It's sweet and tropical, with a melt-in-your-mouth creaminess that we can't get enough of. Spoon up coconut jam, known as srikaya in Indonesia, for a breakfast plate of Malaysian kaya toast.