Easiest Way to Make Tasty Berry banana smoothie

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Berry banana smoothie. Nation's Largest And Most Trusted Retailer Of RVs, RV Parts, And Outdoor Gear. So EASY - make a banana smoothie to your liking with fresh or frozen berries of your choice, banana, yogurt, honey, and ice. Reviews for: Photos of Berry-Banana Smoothie.

Berry banana smoothie The blueberry, banana and peanut butter played very nicely against each other, you could taste each individually instead of one overpowering the other.. Instead of just blueberries I used a frozen berry mix (blueberries. My Blueberry Banana Smoothie packs a punch of energy and is so refreshing to enjoy all summer long. You can cook Berry banana smoothie using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Berry banana smoothie

  1. It's 1 cup of Berries of your choice.
  2. You need of Milk.
  3. You need Half of a banana.
  4. It's 1 table spoon of maple syrup.

It's one of my favorite smoothies to make because it's quick, healthy and filling! Full of antioxidants to fight off no-good cells and low on calories, this is a great smoothie to kick off your day with or enjoy after a workout. But I used vanilla yogurt instead of plain. Also, I used a frozen banana.

Berry banana smoothie instructions

  1. In a Blender put your berries.
  2. Then add your milk.
  3. Cut half of a bannana and break it up into pieces then put it in to the blender.
  4. Add in your maple syrup and blend till smooth.
  5. Poor into a glass and enjoy.

Okay, so I absolutely love this smoothie! My blueberries were several years old. It was very thick for I froze the banana. So I had to use a spoon. How to make Blueberry Banana Smoothie.