Recipe: Tasty Fancy salad OLIVIE

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Fancy salad OLIVIE. "Olivie" is one of the most popular and well known Russian salads. It resembles a potato salad, with the addition of other cooked vegetables and meat. This Olivier Salad (Russian Potato Salad) recipe is such a unique recipe.

Fancy salad OLIVIE I remember when I was little we didn't have this salad as much as I make it now So, give it try and I would love to hear from you how you like my version of this famous Ukrainian Potato Salad (Olivie). It resembles a potato salad, with the addition of other cooked vegetables and meat. This healthy Olivie salad is my recent recreation of the classic Russian Olivier salad recipe. You can have Fancy salad OLIVIE using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Fancy salad OLIVIE

  1. Prepare of Boiling: potatoes, eggs, chicken breast(if you’re not vegetarian) and you can add carrots (if you wish).
  2. You need of Cucumber pickles, jar of grean pea, mayonnaise.
  3. It's of Sweet onion.
  4. Prepare of Cheese, walnut, Hazelnut or cashew.

Olivie is meant to be a very soft salad, so the vegetables are all either pickles or cooked. It consists of diced potatoes The recipe for the sauce that accompanied the salad has always been a secret, even if we assume it. This salad by the name of "Olivie" is extremely popular in Russia. "Olivie" is a must in a Russian New Year party! "Olivie" (also sometimes spelled as "Olivier") is also known as "Russian Potato Salad". Photo "Traditional Russian salad olivie with boiled vegetables" can be used for personal and commercial purposes according to the conditions of the purchased Royalty-free license.

Fancy salad OLIVIE step by step

  1. Everything cut in small pieces.
  2. And after mix with mayonnaise.
  3. Shredded cheese and nuts on the top.
  4. Bon appétit💕.

Salad olivie är en persisk krämig kycklingröra som passar perfekt att ha som fyllning i baguett eller på mezzabordet. Este greu să ne imaginăm masa de sărbătoare, dar mai ales cea de Revelion, fără tradiționala salată Olivie. In der Persischen Küche ist der Salat als Sālād Olivieh bekannt und wird meist zu Geburtstagspartys serviert. Dies ist bei den Kindern besonders beliebt. Chicken Salad Recipe With Apples Here is the article about Oriental Salad Recipes to make your friends, lover and your family excited.