How to Cook Delicious Salad Tsezar

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Salad Tsezar. Цезарь салад ( ԿԵՍԱՐ ) ՑԵԶԱՐ ՍԱԼԱՏ Tsezar salad CEZAR SALAT ВИДЕО ОТ АРМАНА АРТУРОВИЧА VIDEO BY ARMAN MANASERYAN. Яндекс. "Sezar" salati butun dunyo bo'yicha mashhur salatlardan biri bo'lib, bugun ana shu salat retseptini taqdim etamiz. Sezar salati so'nggi paytda juda mashhur bo'lib bormoqda. U ko'plab turli retseptlarga ega, unga qisqichbaqa, tovuq, kurka go'shti, tovuq yoku bedana tuxumlari, shampinyon, brinza.

Salad Tsezar You can have Salad Tsezar using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Salad Tsezar

  1. It's of Fresh: Romain lettuce, red onion, cucumber, tomato 🍅, herbs.
  2. It's of Boiling: eggs 🥚, chicken breast.
  3. You need of Bread: cut in small pieces and make dry Until of gold colour.
  4. You need of Sous: mayonnaise, garlic, White balsamic vinegar, honey, black pepper, Salt, Olive oil, shredded Parmesan.

Salad Tsezar instructions

  1. Make: from the Lettuce Small pieces by hands, onion and 🍅 cut in half rings, Shred cucumber And mix with the herbs.
  2. Shred eggs and cut chicken breast on small pieces.
  3. Mix bread with the sous Preparing in blender(ingredients above).
  4. Mix all together excluded 🍅, Tomatoes put on the top and Cover lightly with shredded Parmesan.
  5. And bon appétit❤️.