Recipe: Delicious Pumpkin soup

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pumpkin soup.

Pumpkin soup You can cook Pumpkin soup using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Pumpkin soup

  1. It's of pumpkin.
  2. You need of Garlic,ginger and onion.
  3. Prepare of Broth.
  4. Prepare of Water.
  5. It's of Salt.
  6. You need of Carrots.
  7. Prepare of Milk or cream.

Pumpkin soup step by step

  1. Prepare your ingredients, and wash them..then in a sufuria add oil onion garlic salt ginger and carrots saute then add in the pumpkin then add water let it boil for 30 min..
  2. Then after boil put it in a blender then serve while hot with anything you want.I served with guac and rice.
  3. Mine.